
 -> What's new #12
Zdravím Vás milí čtenáři, je tu nový týden a s tím i další ohlédnutí na dějišti Vietcong scény a okolí. Tento týden byl dosti zajímavý. Tak se do toho dáme a předem Vám přeji příjemné počtení.

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napsal Linty - 09.06.2014 - 03:42


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#1 od WEZ 27.11.2015 - 21:32
Avatar   Vietnam Domovská stránka offline quote

For everybody:

listadmins (=list of all administrators is printed to the console)
list (=the list of all players is printed to the console)

kick player_name (=player_name - Name of the player to be kicked)
kick player_id (=player_id - Outputs the ID number of the player. This can be found by using the "list" command)
administrators could kick the player immediately, clients must start voting

startadmin password (=password for remote administration)

mllist (=outputs the current "missions list" to the console)

mlchangecurmap mission endrule endrule value (points, frags, time)
example: mlchangecurmap StreamCTF time 20 (=changes the current mission in the mission list; when no nedostupné administrator uses it, a voting is started)

restartmap (=restarts the current mission; when no nedostupné administrator uses it, a voting is started)

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